Friday, 15 June 2018

Research Portfolio

Primary research examples

Questionnaire and answers for advert project

A questionnaire is a series of questions that you put forward to people about a product. We decided it would be best to create a survey in order to find out some information about the advert we created. This allowed us to see what people liked and what people thought could be improved. It was important that we carried out primary research to find out this information as it would be impossible to find secondary research based specifically around our product.
Another example of a questionnaire that we carried out was one based around our esting. We made this in order to find out some information based around the good and the bad of our Esting. This will allow us to make improvements to the video, as well as learning what we have done well at the same time.

Video interviews

For our documentary we decided to focus a large part of it on interviews with members of the public, this allows for the primary research to be carried out in a more informative way. Not only will we see the answers they give us we will be able to see the facial expressions and body language. This is another example of primary research that is crucial as it would be very difficult to find interviews online that had already been carried out. Using primary research also allows us to make our own questions and focus on the areas of technology that we wanted to. (Below i will link the video)


Pre-Production paperwork

Pre-Production paperwork is something that we had to carry out ourselves. It is impossible to find the paperwork online that relates to the locations and personnel we were working with. It is important that we carry out this paper work as it allows us to be covered legally through the use of risk assessments and locations release forms. This is also true for talent release forms, that the talent has to sign in order to grant permission to be filmed.  The shot lists and production schedules are also important things to have before starting a production as it helps gives us an idea of what we should be doing and allows us the ability to keep track of if we are on schedule or running behind. The shot list also allows for the production of the video to be true to the original idea. This helps keep the pre-production paperwork truthful and reliable.

Secondary research examples

Unilever pitch prezi.

During this prezi we had to carry out a large amount of secondary research based around Unilever. This is a good use of secondary research. Unilever is a good example of a company that presents a lot of information online. Using their website along with other sources online meant we could find out information a lot faster than if we carried out the research ourselves. It would also be very difficult to get hold of reliable information if i id carry out primary research as it is unlikely that Unilever would respond due to the information already being available online.


Tv advert analysis

Another source of secondary research that we carried was looking at various different examples of previous adverts. This allowed us to get an idea of what the general conventions of an advert consisted of. This would ultimately help us create a higher quality product. This is another example of research that cannot be carried out first hand. Looking at previous products also allow us to understand what has and hasn't been done in order to keep our product original and refreshing.


E4 and the brief post

This is another example of a piece of research that had to be carried out secondary. This is because a lot of the information i was trying to find out about E4 is not common knowledge to people, meaning it would be difficult to find out without using sources online. Using these sources allowed me to find out a lot of information based around E4, including information about their history as well as their sister channels such as channel 4 and Film 4. Another thing that i researched was information about the Esting competition. This is once again another example of information that can be found out a lot faster online rather than asking someone about the competition. This also included looking at previously entered Estings in the competition from other years. This allowed us to see what previous winners featured and how different videos where being acknowledged. The main concept of the competition is the audience gets to vote for who's video wins. This is something that we learned from the research. This allowed us to understand how important it was to appeal to the audience.


3mw research

For our three minute wonder we carried out some research based around a news broadcast. This was important as it allowed us to understand how the production was constructed and how it manipulated the viewer into watching the whole broadcast. This was done by placing the most important and serious stories at the beginning of the broadcast and the happy and more enjoyable stories last. I carried out this research using secondary sources as it was impossible to gain the information otherwise. Other things that i found out was the age and information based on the news readers. During the news broadcasts it is noticeable that some of the information they give has been collected using primary sources and some has been collected using secondary sources, with the primary research being from news reporters on the scene of the story and the secondary being found out from the internet and other sources.

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