For our eSting we would like to create a short about a Lego
man trying to make his way through an obstacle course. This is then going to
end in him splatting on the E4 logo at the end. The genre we are aiming for is action/comedy,
the comedy coming in when he splats at the end. The target audience we would
like to aim at will be teenagers to young adults, mainly male with a middle to
lower class background. This is because this group of people will be the ones
that stereotypically will have played with Lego in their childhood which will
help them enjoy our eSting.
The content of the eSting will feature the man jumping over
various obstacles made out of Lego. This will then ultimately lead to the end
of the course where he will climb some stairs, similar to Mario, and try to
jump out of the course. This will then lead to him splatting on the logo allowing
the end of our eSting to feature the logo on screen. The music we use will need
to be very upbeat and fast paced in order to match well with the narrative. The
other thing that will be important for the eSting will be the sound effects,
these will need to seem realistic but humorous at the same time, as after all
we want the video to feel comedic and serious at the same time.
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