Thursday 23 March 2017

Final Evaluation

Appropriateness to Audience and Effectiveness of Content
I believe that the impact of the advert was effective and reached the desired audience. The advert was aimed towards a younger audience so we incorporated a unicorn and a horse two animals that we brought to life to be real and functioning in the human world. This idea was to use bright colours and show the transformation of happiness when you eat a cornetto and to leave the mundane life of boring routine (the horse) behind and be who you want and be happy (unicorn). We showed the way in which the horse was sad and was living a normal life but was sad and wanted more. He has a picture of a unicorn which is a mythical animal that is best known for rainbows and happiness and that’s what he wanted in life. He found joy after smashing a cornetto on his head and eating it as he transformed into a unicorn and was happy and it changed his life and brought joy to the people on the streets. We believe that children will enjoy the advert as it is wacky and different because it’s fun which will capture children’s imaginations and draw them to the advert and the product. The advert is also bright that will keep the children’s attention as they like fun up beat sounds and colours while it tells the story behind being who you want to be. This is an important lesson to learn at an early age as it teaches children not to follow stereotypes and to lead a happy life.   
The message we wanted to get across is that Cornetto’s will bring you joy and happiness no matter what life you lead. You don’t have to follow the crowd or do the everyday norm to feel special simply have a fun ice cream and you will feel happier and better and when you feel positive those around you feel positive as well.
Feedback Feelings And How We Did It
Firstly I started by making a questionnaire which basically asked if the advert had change your view on the company. The question are was handed to the people who had watched the advert. The questionnaire was made to see if the viewer would buy the product. The main question which was asked is “Has the target audience been reached?” The answers was yes, a lot of the answers were saying that it has hit is target as there was animal masks and bright colours. The fist bit was a bit dull but there is a happy ending which a lot of people like to see. The click of the heels at the end brought back some memory’s for some older people.

Effectiveness Of The Persuasion Techniques Used To Sell The Product
Product placement: The placement of the product in the back ground in the bed scene was made so then it would show off the product. This will make the audience look at the product and will make them familiar of the product. This was used so when the customer went to the shop they would know what box was the cornetto.
Positivity: We made sure that the video was positive at the end so then the audience would leave on a happy note. The positivity was good to use as it changed from being negative to being happy, this also makes the product better as it shows you can be happy when you eat cornettoes.
Finished product and feedback
For our first half of our advert, we wanted a dull and depressing setting to show that our protagonist has a very boring and mundane life. We managed to convey this with a combination of things. We made sure to have low-key and ambient lighting to give the illusion that it was the evening.
For our costume we wanted our protagonist to look like they had been at work so we used a shirt and a tie, along with some suit trousers.
This contrasts greatly to the second half of our advert once our protagonist transforms into a unicorn using a cornetto. While our protagonist is a unicorn the lighting is a lot brighter and we use natural lighting from the outdoors.
The costume we also used was a lot brighter and stood out, which relates to the mood we are trying to convey. We also stuck with the “work outfit” idea, however we used a full purple suit to show that everything has improved.
Our use of the camera was mostly the same, the length of our shots was the same for almost all our shots. For the beginning of our advert we wanted to hide the fact that our protagonist was a horse, we did this by using imperfect framing and keeping the protagonists face out of shot. This leads up to the reveal of the horse sitting down on the sofa.
Another shot that stands out is our point of view shot of the picture of the unicorn, we did this to add some variation and make the picture obvious. The second key shot is the bird’s eye view shot of the unicorn in bed before he jumps out, this was done to give a full shot of the unicorn.
The rest of our shots were mostly medium and long shots, these were used to show the full body of the unicorn.
The editing for our advert changes abruptly during the transformation from the horse to the unicorn, this is to contrast the effect of the cornetto.
During the first half our advert was very slow paced and had a lot of fades, this was to show how depressed our character was. We also used an effect to drain some of the colour out while our protagonist was a horse, this was to convey the sadness and reality of the horse’s life.
While our character was looking in the mirror with the picture in his hand we used a cross fade where our point of view shot appeared, this was to add a smooth transition between the two shots.
For our final segment while the unicorn is walking to work w used a faster style of editing to work parallel with the scenes, we didn’t use anywhere near as many fades, instead we used straight cuts as they work a lot faster.
For our final shot we used a blur to keep the unicorn as the centre of attention, we also zoomed in on him as our brands and title cards appeared on screen.
We used quite a few different soundtracks and sound effects in our advert, this is to add effect and also to help us cut out any background sound that would have been useless and annoying. Our first soundtrack is of a singular piano, which plays in high key to give a sad and mysterious feeling to our advert. Our second soundtrack that plays is upbeat and funky, this plays the minute the unicorn gets out of bed to the end of advert. This fits the scene perfectly as our unicorn walks with a hop in his step down the street.
We used many sound effects in our advert to help emphasise certain moments. These included claps, splats, and a cockerel to indicate the time.
Another series of sounds we used was T.V sounds to show that our horse is watching T.V and to make it more realistic.
My Views and Opinions
The advert we have created is something very similar to the intentions we had at the start of the project. we did change a couple of things along the way however, things like changing the mirror and adding some extra shots to the end of the movie. We did this as we thought that both changes allowed for a higher quality product to be made overall. I think during this project we have made a good effort at the pre-production paper work and I think it is higher quality than previous projects. Although it is better than our previous paper work, it still is not the standard of an actual production, which means we still have room to improve in the next project.
I think we have made an advert that appeals to pretty much anyone with a sense of humour, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, as more people are going to be interested in the product we’re advertising. This however could be seen as a bad thing if you think about the fact that we were trying to aim the advert at children. Although there is a lot of aspects of the advert that will appeal to children, as we do feature some bright colour, a mythical creature and even a catchy upbeat song. Therefore, you could say that the children will be drawn to the advert too.

In conclusion, I am very satisfied with the advert we have created. I think it is the best video we have made so far between all three products. I think we have made the advert as close to professional levels as we could with the time and equipment we were given. i believe the fact that we had a lot more experience with Premier Pro helped a lot with the quality of the final product as editing is one of the three crucial things needed to make a good movie.
The only thing I would do differently If we were able to re do the advert would be re filming the first shot of the unicorn on the scooter, as this wasn’t quite on par with the rest of the movie. Another thing I might add is a short sequence at the end of the movie showing a photo album of the unicorn’s life e.g. wedding photos and baby unicorns etc.…

In this project, I think I was very involved. In the pre-production I created the shot list, in the filming process I played a large part and was the camera man for the majority of the shots and I did a lot of the editing too, in both an idea way and a actual editing way.

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